sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 29, 2021

thanksgiving weekending
posted by soe 1:42 am

It’s been a lovely weekend, and I still have about 12 hours until I head back south. While I’m hoping to cram in a few hours of sleep and some last activities, like getting lights on the bottom quarter of my parents’ tree (we had to sort out why the tree was shorting out before I kept going) and helping them bring ornament boxes downstairs, we’re definitely in the home stretch of my time off.

I’ve seen my BFF, Karen.

My dad and I played pool. (I lost every game to him or Rudi.) We laughed a lot.

I’ve knit and read and watched Christmas movies in front of the fire.

I’ve cooked with Mum.

We’ve eaten a ton of food and danced to Christmas music.

And I’ve loved being with my family.

I’ve got the Virtual Advent Tour signups up.

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