sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 1, 2009

happy 2009!
posted by soe 11:42 pm

Well, Day 1 of 2009 has reached its close. If it’s how the rest of the year goes, I’m going to be pretty happy. We cooked, we did a few chores, and otherwise we generally spent the day making merry.

We went to a party (I made a trifle) where I was introduced to the wonders of lucky Southern food (black-eyed peas and cheesy grits; the lucky greens were gone before we arrived)… We visited with friends… I made a few phone calls… I read… I knit… I hung out with Rudi and the cats…

Yep, if this is how 2009 plans to be, it’s going to be an excellent year.

How’s the year looking for you?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 4 Comments.

Starting off well, thank you!

Comment by Sarah 01.02.09 @ 2:12 pm


Comment by soe 01.03.09 @ 12:32 am


So far, so good. Though COLD!!!!

Comment by jenn 01.03.09 @ 9:16 am

Thanks! Not so cold here… Come visit!

Comment by soe 01.05.09 @ 2:37 am