sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 20, 2021

snowy silver lake
posted by soe 2:09 am

Silver Lake

Today was the day we’d set aside to go up into the Wasatch to Silver Fork Lodge for lunch and an autumnal stroll around Silver Lake. I went to sleep to rain in Salt Lake, which meant snow in the mountains, but we didn’t realize quite how much. By the time we reached the restaurant, we were seeing nearly ten inches of wet snow on the ground. After lunch we continued up the mountain to the lake, where it was closer to a foot.

The path around the lake was obscured, and I didn’t especially want to accidentally veer off and end up in the lake by mistake. So we contented ourselves with following another intrepid visitor’s footprints for a bit before returning to the car for a small snowball fight.

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