sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 24, 2008

monday morning music: thanksgiving
posted by soe 12:24 pm

It’s been one of those mornings. The sort where you cough and sneeze and use up the last tissue in the box and even that second tankard of tea doesn’t seem to help too much. The kind where you discover ten minutes after you should have left for work that the thing you knew you needed to go to the drugstore for yesterday, but couldn’t quite remember was deodorant, because you’d used yours up and thrown it out. The type where even if you hadn’t seen the calendar, you’d know it was a Monday, just because it had that can’t-quite-get-it-together feeling.

So in honor of that, I’m reviving Monday Morning Music. I think we need it…

Light, but sweet:

And here’s a song you have to head to YouTube to check out. It’ll take practically all morning to play, so put it on in the background, turn it up, and go about your business. Oh, but don’t forget to sing out when the chorus comes around. You’ll be part of a worldwide movement.

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