sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 17, 2020

virtual advent tour 2020: day 17
posted by soe 6:00 am

2020 Virtual Advent Tour blog button

Welcome back to the Virtual Advent Tour! Christmas Eve is a week away, so I hope you’re starting to think about the ways you’re going to make the big days special. I admit that while Rudi and I have talked about preparations for Christmas itself, I haven’t really thought about Christmas Eve, which my family usually spends munching on a buffet of treats while watching Christmas movies. I can definitely do the latter without planning (having watched only a handful so far), but should probably devote some brain power to food today. Maybe my friend Sam will share his family kugel recipe, since my Christmas Eves at his grandparents’ were some of my favorites.

Behind today’s door we’re featuring the return of one of the Virtual Advent Tour’s founders and original hosts, Marg of The Intrepid Reader and Baker! Should you not be familiar with Marg, she hails from Australia, so also has the honor of being our only Southern Hemisphere blogger this year. Welcome back, Marg!

See you all back here tomorrow for the start of our final week of the tour!

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