sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 13, 2020

virtual advent tour 2020: day 13
posted by soe 6:00 am

2020 Virtual Advent Tour blog button

Happy third Sunday of Advent! I will be honest: Gaudete Sunday is the only one of the four I routinely remember, because it’s, to my knowledge, the only one with a carol specifically associated with it. For a song that charted in the U.K., there are surprisingly few versions of it. But I found this fun version of four Greek teens singing it in a stairwell:

Now, off on the tour! Jo Kay of Beyond Strange New Words has today’s post, featuring another event from the Christian calendar.

See you back here bright and early tomorrow!

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 1 Comment.

What a lovely song!

Comment by Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 12.16.20 @ 6:54 am