Today’s Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl asks us to share what we’re thankful for this year:
- Our family: I think Rudi and I surprised ourselves by how well we adapted to being in close quarters all the time. My parents and I talk multiple times a week. And my brother and his partner and I have seen more of each other this year via video chat than we have in years.
- Corey: My dear lump of a cat, with his two speeds — barreling and asleep. He’s been very snuggly this year and very chatty, and our lives would be so much less without him.
- Our health: We and our immediate families have remained relatively healthy through this year, as have our extended families. 2020 continues to hammer home that this is not something to be taken for granted.
- Our friends: Whether the ones here in D.C. who would respond to the Bat Signal if I raised it, or the ones further afield who text and call and video chat and email, this year would be so much harder without them.
- Security: I have an apartment I can afford. I have a job that pays enough to cover my bills and that values my health and safety enough to let me do it from home. I have a family that valued budgeting and saving and that passed that economical mindset on to give us a cushion.
- Flexibility: Rudi has been without full-time employment for a while, and never have we been so grateful for that as when he needed to uproot things and spend a couple months out with his mom.
- D.C.’s small businesses: I’m not going to lie: We’re seeing a lot of empty storefronts around here, and more venues are closing every week. But so far, all of our bookstores have survived. Many of our restaurants and bakeries and the farmers at our markets. The mom and pop grocery stores where you can find flour and toilet paper and cleaning supplies when the chain stores’ shelves are empty. Buying local has been important in past years, but this year local has shown us that they are here for us and that our support is tangible.
- My garden: It’s been an oasis this year, particularly back in the spring when everything was just hard in the city. I planted less variety this year, but harvested a lot, from pounds of tomatoes to, for the first time ever, footlong cucumbers and stripey summer squash.
- Our local libraries: They haven’t reopened for browsing since March, but they will let you request holds and come pick them up. And that has allowed us to read books and watch films in a somewhat normal fashion. And anything that feels even semi-normal is something to be embraced.
- Voters: This year has been hard, but I do not even want to imagine what the next four months would look like if the voters of the U.S. hadn’t declared that they were ready for adults to take back over the federal government. Are these adults perfect? Nope. Will I disagree with many of their methods and policies? Undoubtedly. But I believe that they have our best interests at heart over self-interest? Absolutely.
How about you? What are you thankful for?
Oh, and, hey, while you’re here: The Virtual Advent Tour starts a week from today. Wouldn’t you like to take part?
I am grateful to my libraries, my garden, and the voters, too.
Comment by Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 11.24.20 @ 8:29 amCOVID has definitely taught me to be grateful for things I used to take for granted. Like you, it’s also allowed me to spend more time with my family. For that, I’m thankful.
Happy TTT!
This was a really thought-provoking post. Thanks for sharing!
My post:
Comment by JadeSky 11.24.20 @ 3:06 pmI’ve definitely been grateful for the limited times I have been able to meet with my friends this year since we’ve not been able to see each other as much as we’d like.
Love your list . Im so grateful we got a visit in with my daughter in Oklahoma in october before things went really bad. We were ridiculously careful, but we are all fine Thank GOD
I am going to ask for two dates for the yearly fun on your calendar!
Comment by kathy b 11.24.20 @ 10:37 pm