sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 11, 2023

secret, treats, and who says you don’t fly in a rainstorm?
posted by soe 1:09 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. While last week I would have assured you that I had no zucchinis in my garden, this week I discovered one nearly as long as my forearm hiding under leaves and vines.

2. Rudi went to get the nail pulled out of our tire and the tire patched and brought home doughnuts from my favorite shop, even though I was the one driving when the car was attacked by road debris.

3. P!nk’s Summer Carnival concert was great, even though a tornado watch pushed the start time back and caused the opening opening act to have to forfeit their time. Even when the skies opened halfway through P!nk’s set and poured down on her, the band, and the dancers, they kept the energy and the joy high and endeared themselves to everyone in the crowd at the ballpark.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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