sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 22, 2023

late-april weekend planning
posted by soe 2:03 am

I kicked off the weekend with dinner with Rudi and some friends who now split their year between D.C. and New Orleans (and who are only recently back north). They grilled and made a delicious salad, and I made my grandmother’s lemon squares. (They said they were very good, but I can never make them taste like hers, so…) We watched a movie (well, Julia and Rudi watched the movie and Michael and I dozed) and came home later than we’ve been out in ages. It was great.

Here’s what else I’m hoping to fit into this weekend:

  • Bake gingersnaps (if tomorrow afternoon turns stormy, this is likely how I’ll spend the time)
  • String up the pea trellis in the garden and get the potatoes, garlic, and onions in
  • Visit the library
  • Write some cards
  • Make daiquiris (we need some space in our freezer, which is being overrun with frozen fruit)
  • Play more volleyball
  • Vacuum
  • Wash all the wool tops and heavy pants
  • Switch out the winter and summer clothes
  • Start a bag for Goodwill
  • Get the two bins in our living room over to Rudi’s storage unit

What’s on your to-do list this weekend?

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