sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 21, 2023

scenery, soul food, and berry season
posted by soe 12:09 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I get to play volleyball in some pretty amazing places, particularly for a landlocked city. I’ve played grass games in the shadow of the Washington Monument and adjacent to the World War II Memorial, and now, finally, I’m back playing sand games just behind the Lincoln Memorial. (They closed the courts during COVID to prevent people from gathering and then decided to refurbish them in the two years since. Judgment is reserved until we have some flooding rain, since they used to have a drainage issue, but so far the courts are very nice.)

2. Saturday morning Rudi and I met some friends down the street from their new apartment at the Florida Avenue Grill, one of the oldest soul food diners in the country, for brunch. In addition to good conversation, I had delicious French toast and grits and veggie sausage and eggs and considered for a period of time never eating again. (At least until Sarah and I spent more hours at the ballpark than expected later that evening waiting out a rain delay.)

3. The strawberry plants in the garden are covered with flowers, which is very exciting. To tide us over, I bought two pints of the first berries I saw at the local farmers market the other evening. They taste like early season berries, but still!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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