sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 24, 2021

virtual advent tour 2021: day 24
posted by soe 6:00 am

Virtual Advent Tour 2021 badge -- 400 px

We made it! Physically to my parents’ house. And emotionally to Christmas Eve. I hope you’re feeling okay about your path to this moment in time and space, but even if it’s been a bit rocky to get here, pat yourself on the back that you’re here now. You deserve a Christmas cookie.

Behind our final door, we have a post from Bridget at The Ravell’d Sleave about the Christmas Eves of her childhood.

Before you run off, though, let me give a huge thank you to Bridget, chick, Rudi, raidergirl3, my mom, and my dad for banding together to make the tour work this year. I’ve enjoyed each and every one of your posts and appreciate the work and time that went into each one.

Happy holidays!

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holiday ride, bright side, and christmas toys
posted by soe 1:30 am

Sunset over the Bay

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Driving north, we saw a jeep draped in Christmas lights. It was the most festive car on the road.

2. We got a significantly later start than I’d hoped to (entirely my fault — PMS that I didn’t realize was PMS), but getting on the road late in the afternoon meant that we were treated to a gorgeous sunset and Christmas lights across five states.

3. Corey enjoyed chasing the balled up wrapping paper from the packages I’d opened around the living room.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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