sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 31, 2021

transition weekend planning
posted by soe 1:25 am

Sunset over Mitchell Park

I just realized I lost track of the days and missed a friend’s birthday today, which annoys me to no end. I’m not always great about staying in touch, but I do at least usually manage the bare minimum of a birthday text/voicemail.

So, tomorrow, I’ll be reaching out to him with a belated birthday greeting.

I’m hopeful that I’ll also be able to have supper with some D.C. friends.

I’ll be going to the farmers market and the library. Otherwise, the weather looks gorgeous, so I plan to spend lots of time outside in the garden, at the pool, and in the park reading and knitting and relaxing.

What do you have planned for the transition from July into August?

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