sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 12, 2021

mid-june weekend planning
posted by soe 1:42 am

It’s been a crummy workweek, with one coworker leaving and the news that my boss is being switched into a new position a week after she gets back from vacation, and somehow deadlines don’t ever get crossed off. Volleyball was canceled due to rain. It was ridiculously hot and then ridiculously rainy, and I spent way too much time sitting in my apartment. I worked my butt off to clear enough stuff to be able to keep my laptop closed this weekend (and mostly my remaining colleagues are interested in keeping me sane) and this is how I’m going to spend my time:

  • Spend several hours in the garden. I have some more planting to do. There are peas and greens to be picked. I want to get beans and the last of the plants I picked up in Connecticut into the ground.
  • Go to the farmers market. We’re getting close to the end of strawberry season, but that means cherries, blueberries, and raspberries are on their way in.
  • Swim. While I did bike down to meet my coworker to take her to a goodbye lunch, my only other activity has been swimming. The outdoor pool is only open on weekends for the next few weeks, so I need to get myself moving a little earlier.
  • Knit outside. Tomorrow is Worldwide Knit in Public Day. I have no qualms about knitting pretty much anyplace, but I think my rainbow sock will be super popular in Dupont on Pride Weekend.
  • Pick up holds at two libraries. I didn’t get to either library last weekend, so now I need to get to both this weekend. (One is in Virginia, so it’s less convenient than it might otherwise be.)
  • Buy books. It’s the quarterly member sale at one of my local bookshops.
  • Have a belated birthday happy hour for Rudi at our local watering hole. (It’s also a fancy grocery store and has some tasty food options they make in-house, including a surprisingly good grilled cheese. We also have a gift card from last spring that expires next week, so that’s a nice bonus.)
  • Do laundry. How do I have no clean tshirts?
  • Paint my nails. I keep only thinking of it right before bed.
  • Sleep.

How about you? What are you hoping to get to this weekend? (And lest you worry overmuch about my working too hard, next week I have fun evening activities on three days and maybe plans to go to the beach on Saturday.)

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