The days left until Christmas now number in the single digits. I have today off from work and am planning on running a few errands, doing some baking (I must remember to take the butter out of the fridge when I get up), and wrapping presents so I can get packages heading to their destinations without further delay. I may even hang the ornaments on the tree. There will certainly be some Christmas music playing for part of the day, and there is every likelihood that I’ll put on a Christmas movie or two, particularly since the weather is likely to be dreary. I will absolutely drink hot chocolate (particularly since I kicked the egg nog while finishing my work year-end review last night) with piles of marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles.
Our host for today’s Virtual Advent Tour stop is once again Deb Nance at Readerbuzz. She has a remarkably sweet post for you today.
See you back here tomorrow!