I admit that this week has been a bit of a low one in the Burrow. Nothing particularly horrible, which is good, but just confirmation of suckiness to continue — my office will work at home through the rest of the year, the pools won’t open this summer, D.C.’s cases remain high enough that you shouldn’t do things like eat at restaurants or be in places where there are people, which seems to stop no one but me from doing those things. I’m starting to look at the fall and the things that come after the fall with more than a little concern about our ability to do them, which stresses me out.
Which just means I should stop looking that far out and concentrate on the next couple of days:
I’m looking forward to trying the bread and butter pickles we made this week for the first time. I have several more cucumbers in the fridge, so may give dill pickles a shot next.
I’m looking forward to finishing my socks. I got a few more rows knit while in those meetings yesterday, so it’s completely doable if I just put my fingers to it.
I’m looking forward to video chatting with my folks and my brother on Sunday.
I’m looking forward to reading, maybe outside.
I’m looking forward to eating pizza.
I’m looking forward to finally buying a couple more face masks, because I always seem to keep running out.
I’m looking forward to Christmassy yarn arriving in the mail because I splurged a couple weeks ago.
I’m looking forward to baking some bread and making some ice cream.
I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow because Rudi’s going on a bike ride and won’t be around to guilt me up before I’m done being in bed.
I’m looking forward to watching Endeavour Sunday night if we can get PBS to come back in.
What are you looking forward to this weekend?