The dusk really shows the pooling on my second sock! I was going to say I didn’t think it was that obvious in normal light, but I just went back and looked at previous week’s photos, and it is. That’s fine. I’m getting closer to being done. If tomorrow and Friday’s multi-hour Zoom calls allow for knitting, I could be done by the weekend! (I will definitely be done by the weekend after the next few days of calls. It is possible my sock may not be.)
Oona Out of Order is overdue to the neighboring library system, so I decided to focus on it more heavily. I’m also nearing the end of The Library Book — something ridiculous like 15 months have passed since I started it. On my phone, I’m not crazy about the reader (accents) for my current audiobook, The Gilded Wolves, so I’m thinking I’ll ditch it for a print copy. I already have another one checked out and ready to go — Sonya Lalli’s The Matchmaker.
Head over to As Kat Knits to see what else is going on with the Unraveled crew.