sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 3, 2020

rambling, based on rambling
posted by soe 1:19 am

Spring Evening

I discovered this mural on Hughes Mews, a little dead-end alleyway in Foggy Bottom, while Rudi and I were out for a late afternoon/evening constitutional.

Mum made the mask, which matches an apron she made me for my birthday several years back. She also sent one made from the same material as the curtains in my brother’s and my childhood bedroom, plus one more in a navy material that I didn’t recognize (but that I would guess came from a suit she made herself).

When you live in the middle of the city, there is no going out of the house without a mask on. Or, at least, this is true if you are us. Cases in D.C. are on the rise and critical care beds in Montgomery County, Maryland, directly to the north of us, are full. Other people may feel cavalier about this information, but I’m not. Our sidewalks aren’t wide enough to give people the suggested six-foot berth they suggest is minimally acceptable, which pushes someone out into the street, and that’s if both of us are wearing masks. If you’re not wearing a mask, I assume you are disregarding other health recommendations and try to get even more space.

So, I’m grateful to Mum for the masks, because that stretches a little further how long we can go between loads of laundry. We are nearly out of quarters, so Rudi is going to see if he can find a bank that’s open where we can get a couple rolls on Monday morning. We had more than three rolls at the start of quarantine, because I suspected we’d need them; now I wish I’d gotten two more, since the closest bank to us has suspended its operations for the time being. And since everyone wants you to use a credit card right now, it’s not like I can just use the change I’ve gotten during the week. Although if we can’t find a bank, maybe Rudi could start paying for our weekly day-old bagels with a $10 and asking for a couple bucks in quarters with our change. They and the egg people at the market are the only people I know who still prefer cash.

Okay, I’ve rambled on enough. Time to wash the day’s dishes and go to bed!

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