sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 12, 2019

random ducks
posted by soe 1:38 am

Random Ducks

I swear that I will have get back to regularly scheduled content soon. But I dozed off on the couch earlier and now I just want to get to bed. Working is hard!

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September 11, 2019

the sun fades on our heroine’s first day at the new job
posted by soe 12:03 am

Today was my first day at the new job. It went fine and everyone is very nice, but god I needed a nap when I got home. Unfortunately, I dozed longer than I should have and missed the movie showing I’d hoped to attend, as well as the coffeehouse’s patio hours. But I did not miss the sunset, so we shall look on the glowing side of things.

September Sunset

Category: dc life. There is/are 3 Comments.

September 10, 2019

ten books i’m avoiding right now
posted by soe 12:26 am

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic at That Artsy Reader Girl invites us to share ten books on our TBR lists/piles we’re avoiding reading and why:

I finished Early Riser last week, six months after starting it, so that is NOT a book I’m avoiding. However, there are plenty more:

  1. There There by Tommy Orange: I started it. It’s about mass shootings. It was too much. Yes, I feel guilty, so I haven’t returned it yet. But I will.
  2. Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks: It’s about fall and I want to wait until the season kicks in.
  3. Hope Rides Again by Andrew Shaffer: Biden is running for president now and his real-life presence in my life disallows my feeling nostalgia for him. That got in the way of my caring enough to keep reading so I could determine if the author was trying too hard and had turned a fun romp into a pulp potboiler. I did return this one to the library.
  4. The Body Papers by Grace Talusan: Written by the sister of someone I went to college with, I felt like I should read this memoir, but it’s about incest and again, I just didn’t feel up to it. I feel horrible about it and will likely give it another go.
  5. My Twenty-Five Years in Provence by Peter Mayle: He’s dead and there will be no more books by my favorite Provençal transplant.
  6. Daughter of the Siren Queen by Tricia Levenseller: I just finished another book about the daughter of a pirate king and it felt too soon to read another.
  7. The Summer before the War by Helen Simonson: There’s a war coming at the end of the book.
  8. Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman: Karen read it and suggested the recent adaptation is too close to the text to read it so soon after watching the series.
  9. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: I know how it ends.
  10. Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling: I love everything of hers I’ve read, but I’ve heard this books is a downer. I don’t want to not love it.

How about you? Are there books you want to read, but just not right now?

Category: books. There is/are 10 Comments.

September 9, 2019

a very seuss welcome to you
posted by soe 1:33 am

A Very Seuss Welcome

Bradley, Connecticut’s major airport, serves all of western New England, including Springfield, Massachusetts, where Dr. Seuss was born. This is a new addition to the airport’s installations, since I last flew home this spring.

Category: travel. There is/are 1 Comment.

September 8, 2019

saturday night fire
posted by soe 1:37 am

My folks supplemented our evening entertainment with a firelog in the fireplace:


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September 7, 2019

connecticut long weekend
posted by soe 8:23 am

Connecticut Dahlia

I dozed off with the computer open next to me last night without telling you all that I’ve come up to Connecticut for a final long weekend before starting my new job.

It’s good to see my folks, and I’m looking forward to spending the afternoon with my best friend — they’re better than a tonic at chasing away the collywobbles.

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