I swear that I will have get back to regularly scheduled content soon. But I dozed off on the couch earlier and now I just want to get to bed. Working is hard!
September 12, 2019
September 11, 2019
Today was my first day at the new job. It went fine and everyone is very nice, but god I needed a nap when I got home. Unfortunately, I dozed longer than I should have and missed the movie showing I’d hoped to attend, as well as the coffeehouse’s patio hours. But I did not miss the sunset, so we shall look on the glowing side of things.
September 10, 2019
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic at That Artsy Reader Girl invites us to share ten books on our TBR lists/piles we’re avoiding reading and why:
I finished Early Riser last week, six months after starting it, so that is NOT a book I’m avoiding. However, there are plenty more:
- There There by Tommy Orange: I started it. It’s about mass shootings. It was too much. Yes, I feel guilty, so I haven’t returned it yet. But I will.
- Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks: It’s about fall and I want to wait until the season kicks in.
- Hope Rides Again by Andrew Shaffer: Biden is running for president now and his real-life presence in my life disallows my feeling nostalgia for him. That got in the way of my caring enough to keep reading so I could determine if the author was trying too hard and had turned a fun romp into a pulp potboiler. I did return this one to the library.
- The Body Papers by Grace Talusan: Written by the sister of someone I went to college with, I felt like I should read this memoir, but it’s about incest and again, I just didn’t feel up to it. I feel horrible about it and will likely give it another go.
- My Twenty-Five Years in Provence by Peter Mayle: He’s dead and there will be no more books by my favorite Provençal transplant.
- Daughter of the Siren Queen by Tricia Levenseller: I just finished another book about the daughter of a pirate king and it felt too soon to read another.
- The Summer before the War by Helen Simonson: There’s a war coming at the end of the book.
- Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman: Karen read it and suggested the recent adaptation is too close to the text to read it so soon after watching the series.
- Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: I know how it ends.
- Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling: I love everything of hers I’ve read, but I’ve heard this books is a downer. I don’t want to not love it.
How about you? Are there books you want to read, but just not right now?
September 9, 2019
Bradley, Connecticut’s major airport, serves all of western New England, including Springfield, Massachusetts, where Dr. Seuss was born. This is a new addition to the airport’s installations, since I last flew home this spring.
September 8, 2019
My folks supplemented our evening entertainment with a firelog in the fireplace:
September 7, 2019
I dozed off with the computer open next to me last night without telling you all that I’ve come up to Connecticut for a final long weekend before starting my new job.
It’s good to see my folks, and I’m looking forward to spending the afternoon with my best friend — they’re better than a tonic at chasing away the collywobbles.