sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 26, 2019

notes from the garden: memorial day weekend
posted by soe 1:38 am

We have peas!

We Have Peas!

Also, I consulted all my seed packets. All the green ones I planted are English shelling peas. The purple ones are snap peas — and are so sweet. Their seam is green, as are the peas inside. We had them on our salads for supper tonight, which were based on greens from the garden. I picked enough leaves for us to have at least one more round of salads before we need to harvest more.

We also brought home a dozen strawberries, which were delicious with ice cream for dessert, and half a dozen onions/shallots.

And my potatoes are in the ground, so unless I find any more growing in my kitchen, we should be good to go.

I ought to get beans in the ground soon. And I might need a couple more basil plants, because the ones I’ve planted so far are looking a little scraggly, which is not the adjective you want to have to use for basil. I’ll see what I can find at the farmers market tomorrow.

Finally, a glimpse of a new crop to come next month:


Fava beans! (These are the Robin Hood variety, which grow on bushy plants only about a foot high, so I’m thinking the bean pods will be smaller at harvest than what I usually see at the farmers market, but who knows?!)

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