sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 13, 2019

band meme
posted by soe 1:01 am

A meme went around Twitter over the weekend that I thought would be fun to bring to the blog:

List five bands/artists that you’ve seen at a gig/concert and one lie. People leave a reply with who they think the lie is.

Here’s the list I Tweeted out of acts that were around in the 1980s:

  1. Robert Plant
  2. Mannheim Steamroller
  3. Tracy Chapman
  4. The Who
  5. Debbie Gibson
  6. Bon Jovi

Can you guess which one I haven’t seen?

Shall we try one more? Here are some acts from the 1960s and 1970s:

  1. Simon & Garfunkel
  2. Peter, Paul, & Mary
  3. Crosby, Stills, & Nash
  4. Joni Mitchell
  5. Fleetwood Mac
  6. Beach Boys

Leave your guesses for which ones I haven’t seen and your own list if you’d like to play along in the comments.

Category: arts. There is/are 2 Comments.

May 12, 2019

posted by soe 1:53 am

Resplendent Rose

Rudi and I got caught out in the rain this afternoon. Since we were already wet, we strolled leisurely through the nearby neighborhoods, stopping to admire row house gardens and flowering bushes.

This rose was the prettiest we saw all day, but it didn’t have a particularly rosy scent, so it cannot take home the best-in-show blue ribbon.

But it certainly was stunning to look at.

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 1 Comment.

May 11, 2019

early may weekend planning
posted by soe 1:52 am

It’s supposed to rain off and on all weekend, with more on than off. Regardless, here are some things I’m hoping to accomplish:

  • Call my mom and Rudi’s.
  • Visit a couple European embassies. I think I’m down to only four I haven’t stopped by at one point or another — Netherlands (and even then, I’m pretty sure we caught them one year when they were renovating and hosting events in another building), Ireland, Malta, Portugal, and the Czech Republic. We’ll see if I can cross any of them off tomorrow.
  • Watch the Funk Parade. Don’t you wish your town had a parade dedicated to fun dance music?
  • Get the plants I bought last Sunday in the ground. The garden is going to be awfully muddy, though, so this one just might not happen.
  • Buy strawberries at the farmers market. Optimistically the rain could keep people away and I could get a great deal on a bulk buy. More likely is that it’s Mother’s Day and there will be no strawberries left by 9:15.
  • Send out some resumes.
  • Mull over buying a new suit for interviews. First, dig out my most recent suits and see if either of them fit. Since I bought them more than a decade ago, I’m not optimistic.
  • Switch out my winter and summer wardrobes. I’ve started to do this a couple times, which realistically just means I currently have piles of all sorts of clothes all over the apartment.
  • Make strawberry shortcake.
  • See if I can fix my beloved bike helmet. (Part of the adjuster dial popped off the back band.) At the very least I think I should be able to make it a set size (which will then only mean I can’t wear a high ponytail or a hat under it). If not, see if the helmet that Rudi says is too big for him will fit me. It gave me a headache when I tried it on, but that could just have been all the strap tugging. If none of those things work, order the new helmet I found.
  • Spend time with Rudi.
  • Paint my nails.

What are you hoping your weekend includes?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

May 10, 2019

making friends, arnie, and preview
posted by soe 1:59 am


Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. The woman from my volleyball team and I finally got together for coffee this week. Then we went out for beers (full disclosure, I drink neither beer nor coffee) after our game tonight and our partners joined us.

2. One of the coffeehouses I like to frequent has Arnold Palmers on their menu and I decided to order one this week. They use frozen lemonade, so the drink was delightfully slushy.

3. My second movie screening this week worked out far better than the first. Poms was a charming look at female friendship and persevering when it would be easier to give up. It’s not a great film — it asks a few bigger questions (about multigenerational families and about adult children parenting their parents), yet never bothers to answer them, and most of the characters aren’t fully three-dimensional — but it was an enjoyable way to pass a couple hours and most of the audience (predominantly older women themselves) seemed to agree.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

May 9, 2019

may unraveling
posted by soe 1:32 am

May Unraveling

I’ll have a couple FOs to show you as soon as the sun comes back out. In the meantime, here’s the next sock pair I’ll be working on, which you may remember from March when I knit them in Sock Madness. I just need to finish that toe and I’ll be able to move on to sock #2.

On the reading front, I also finished several things last week, which means I have new things to show you this week. Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff is a graphic novel set in 1807 in the Middle East and focuses on a swashbuckling adventurer with a flying boat and a former palace guard who brews an excellent pot of tea. I think it will be part Tintin, part Indiana Jones, and part Black Widow.

Girl Squads by Sam Maggs is a nonfiction collection of essays about female friendship around the world and through history. I’ve only read the first essay thus far, which focuses on a society of free divers on an island off the coast of South Korea. So far, it’s fascinating, but I’m not loving the author’s tone, which is a little breezier than I’d prefer.

Jenny Han’s P.S., I Still Love You is the sequel to To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and like the first book in the y.a. romance trilogy, I’m listening to it. I wanted to check it off before the movie adaptation hits Netflix (although I don’t know when that’ll be). It’s cute.

I’ve got several other books sort of in progress, but those are the three I’m actively reading today.

Want to learn more about what folks are reading and knitting? Head to As Kat Knits.

Category: books,knitting. There is/are 4 Comments.

May 8, 2019

posted by soe 1:32 am


We ended up not getting in to a sneak preview last night, so we instead took ourselves to our favorite pizza restaurant for supper, where we sat on their patio, soaking up the beautiful spring weather and looking at campy pictures from the Met Gala on my phone. Afterwards, as we were walking to Tenleytown to catch the metro, we spied the delicate sliver of a moon above the remnants of the evening’s sunset, highlighting the transition from day to night.

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are Comments Off on dusk.