sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 3, 2018

early november weekend plans
posted by soe 1:18 am

I admit to being a little at sea this weekend. But here’s what I have on tap:

  • Do laundry. And I need to get to the bank to procure quarters in order to accomplish that.
  • Watch a movie. I have a discount ticket to see Bohemian Rhapsody, which is playing at the big single-screen theater in town.
  • Ride a bike.
  • Stop by the library. (The new Galbraith novel should finally be in for me!)
  • Shop at the farmers market.
  • Take part in the final cleanup/part of the garden this season. Also, pick the rest of my peppers and dig up my potatoes and any peanuts I grew.
  • Come up with a game plan for cleaning our apartment. (Our Christmas party is in a month.)
  • Finish at least one knitting project and one book. (This week it’s totally doable — I’m on the second toe, and Harry is in the Chamber!)
  • Do some text-banking for a national campaign. I don’t want to, but I should, since we’re down to the wire.
  • Paint my nails. (I didn’t get them done for Halloween and I have some cleaning to do, so I suppose this isn’t urgent, but I think it would make me happy.)

I mean, I know that seems like a lot, but it doesn’t feel like the right lot. And I know it mostly seems like the same stuff I do every weekend, but I feel like it’s missing some element of fun, but the fun stuff going on isn’t my cup of tea. I’m sure it’ll all work out, though. It always does.

What are you hoping to do this weekend? Do you have a plan for that extra hour? Sleep? Campaigning? More time at the bars?

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