sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 14, 2018

weekend plans
posted by soe 2:06 am


We started the weekend with an ice cream party (Sunday is National Ice Cream Day), which is an excellent way to commence pretty much anything, honestly.

I have to work tomorrow morning, but after that I’m hopeful the weekend will include:

  • Heading out to the Delaware shore on Sunday.
  • Reading on the beach.
  • Knitting in the car.
  • Spending some time in the garden watering and weeding.
  • Doing laundry.
  • Checking out Bastille Day celebrations around the city.
  • Eating crepes for supper. We should be able to make some with veggies like chard or zucchini, right?
  • Returning a few things to the library.
  • Tidying up the apartment.
  • Catching some zzz’s. And with that …

What are you hoping to do this weekend?

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