The House of Sweden, the über-cool Scandinavian embassy, is located near where the C&O Canal and the Potomac River meet in Georgetown. From their roof, I could see a family of ducks, but the towpath doesn’t extend that far so I couldn’t get close enough to the ducklings to get pictures. So I borrowed a bikeshare and rode a bit along the towpath, hoping to see some further along. Because they’re doing construction to the canal and canal boats, they’ve let the bed go wild between some of the locks. (That green space in the shot below is the canal.) Too marshy to see ducklings (but, one hopes, just marshy enough to allow for good nesting), but I did see quite a few red-winged blackbirds, a turtle, and a pair of cardinals. And quite a few lovely buttercups.
I’ll take my own bike out for a spin later in the week and go further north along the canal to where there’s water again. I hope to have photos of baby animals soon!