posted by soe 1:28 am
Back in college, we would blithely hack at the flowering trees to leave each other bouquets. Today, I offer you these, still growing where they stand:
May Day
~Tess TaylorThey go, the early flags, the gory maples—
so too the daffodils & Lenten roses.
Other petals swirl & nights warm.Buds thicken and cast shadows:
in a thunderstorm
I almost forget the ice that was.Narcissi suckle watery paths;
meadows heap up emerald masses.
How green & I want to delightexcept this undertow—it pulls so fast
passing before I recognize it—
like souls in Dante who can’t see the present,white lilacs curdle in pre-summer heat.
The parade I barely noticed was beginning
is already halfway down the street.
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