sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 17, 2018

floral library visit
posted by soe 1:12 am

Monumental Tulips

One of the things Rudi and I did on Sunday was to ride our bikes down to the Mall to see the tail end of the cherry blossoms, which I’ll share with you later in the week. Before we headed home, though, we decided to go check out the Floral Library, which is home to a gorgeous collection of tulips (and other flowers).

Flowers on the Mall


Located adjacent to the Tidal Basin, the garden was established in 1969 by Lady Bird Johnson, who did a lot of sprucing up of D.C. open spaces (and who is honored on the far side of the Potomac with her own memorial space) and includes approximately 10,000 bulbs in 93 beds tended by the National Park Service (who do a lovely job every year).


Flower Library

While the gardeners clearly take great pride with categorizing the bulbs in each bed, sometimes one sneaks in where it clearly wasn’t intended. Some people might think those are mistakes, but I like to think they’re allowing that flower to stand out in the crowd.

Standing out in a Crowd

We were so wet and cold, though, that we didn’t stay probably as long as we would have liked. But we were glad to have seen them once again!

One of These Things

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