sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 8, 2017

more time, an answer, and bunches
posted by soe 12:07 am

Today was an emotionally draining day, so it’s especially nice to look back at three beautiful things from the past week:

1. We think Posey had a mild stroke a two weeks ago, because she’s had less control over her back legs recently. In the last couple days, there have been some incontinence issues. And this morning she practically laid down in her water dish. We thought the end might be nigh. Posey, though, has informed us that she’d like a lot more wet food, though, and that if we’ll keep giving her that, she’s happy to keep getting up and purring every time we walk into the kitchen. We’ve made her a little nest out of the bottom of a cat carrier and a towel, so hopefully that will help with what I need to clean up. Being 15, none of this is really surprising, but I’ll take each additional day I get with her right now.

Chinese Golden Rain Tree

2. For several years, I’ve been trying to figure out a type of tree that I see growing around D.C., but that I never came across back home. Today, finally, I saw yellow flowers on one, in addition to these ubiquitous seed pods, which gave me the additional search term to determine the answer: It’s a Chinese golden rain tree.

3. One of the orchards at our farmers market grows grapes, and this past weekend, they had four seedless varieties, all of which were particularly delicious to snack on chilled from the fridge.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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