Three beautiful things from my past week:
1. Nearly two weeks ago, I seriously scraped up my knee getting into the pool (the perils of swimming at the shallower pool by the library). Because of its location on a joint, it stayed red and angry far longer than any scrape I’ve had in a while, but it’s finally healing nicely. I can now scratch nearby bug bites without fear of re-opening it!
2. Life at work has been stressful this summer. Some of that is beyond my control — organizational changes, project deadlines — but some of it can be chalked up to some habits I’ve fallen into. This week, I took a stab at righting the ship by taking a lunch break every day. I hope to be able to carry that on into September.
3. I rode home on the train the other day with a woman sporting a gorgeous flowered dress, magenta hair, a Hello Kitty-shaped lunch box, and heart-shaped flowers or balloons painted on her toenails.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world recently?