sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 16, 2016

top ten books on my spring tbr list
posted by soe 1:44 am

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is the top ten books on my to-be-read list/pile:

  1. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell: One of the books I’d hoped to get to last fall, but that didn’t come my way until last month when it arrived as a birthday gift from Rudi’s mom (picked out by Rudi)
  2. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard: The book that all of Twitter was talking about this fall. (Well, at least all of my bookish Twitter). She came to speak in the area last month and I splurged and bought myself a copy.
  3. To Catch a Cheat by Varian Johnson: The other book I bought myself this year was Varian Johnson’s follow-up to The Great Greene Heist, which was a favorite of mine a couple years back. It hasn’t gotten as much buzz, but I’m not sure if that’s because several of the bookish people I would have expected to tout it are just reading female authors this year or on its own merit. I’m looking forward to find out, because I love a good caper book/show/film.
  4. A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab: This is overdue to the library, where it has a dozen holds on it, so I need to finish it this week. But I’m not giving it back until I’m done. (My library aids in this bad civic behavior by not fining me for the first 30 days after the book is tardy.)
  5. Big Magic: Creative Living beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert: I read and was underwhelmed by Eat, Pray, Love, but Gilbert’s last two books have had more critical acclaim than popular success, so I’m willing to give her nonfiction a shot. (But I’m also willing to ditch it after 50 pages if I don’t think it’s any better than her breakout book.)
  6. Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War by Steve Sheinkin: I loved (if by loved one means was horrified by but could not stop talking about the content contained within) The Port Chicago 50 a couple years ago, and Sheinkin writes reliably outrageous books that are routinely shortlisted for the best book prizes in the nation.
  7. Unnatural Creatures, edited by Neil Gaiman: Rudi gave this to me for Russian Christmas, and I’m looking forward to reading the fantastical short stories contained within this pleasantly chubby tome as part of the upcoming Once Upon a Time reading challenge.
  8. Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine: I started this collection of poetry last fall, but it got put aside for some reason. I’ll make it a priority to be the next poetry collection I finish.
  9. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: It’s the last complete Austen book I haven’t read, and Karen and I have been planning to read it for months. I’m voting we get it on our calendars in ink this spring (pending her approval, of course).
  10. The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra by Vaseem Khan: I want to read more international fiction, so thought I’d start with some mysteries/detective novels set around the world. Plus, it features a baby elephant!

How about you? What are you hoping to read this spring?

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