sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 6, 2015

doing his job, reflexes, and sing along for cheap
posted by soe 2:29 am


Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. A MetroAccess van driver helping a frail, elderly woman into the store, arm-in-arm, chatting away.

2. My cats, like most, occasionally throw up hairballs. Because of this, I have become very good at realizing I’m stepping in something squishy and recoiling before I put my full weight down on it. This skill came in handy when I, while wearing flip flops, accidentally stepped on a dead rat lying in the sidewalk.

3. Thanks to a sale price and two hoarded gift cards, I’m able to procure the Hamilton soundtrack on cd for 37 cents at Barnes & Noble. I know the libretto booklets are going to come in handy for nailing some of the quicker rap bits.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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