Happy Boxing Day! Did you have a relaxing day after Christmas/Friday? I did. I didn’t leave my parents’ house. I read two stories from one of the new books Rudi gave me for Christmas (My True Love Gave To Me (appropriate, right?!)), hung out with loved ones, did a crossword puzzle, made a batch of cookies, ate leftovers, and watched The Hundred-Foot Journey (which we all enjoyed and heartily recommend). I did not wrap a single present, drive long distances, get up early, or do any shopping. It was lovely.
(If you normally receive my Christmas mix or a Christmas card from me, but haven’t yet, I’m behind, but am working on it. I hope to get caught up this weekend.)
In the meantime, may I offer you some (90 minutes of) ear candy of another sort? Here is Neil Gaiman reading Charles Dickens’ personal script to the readings he did of A Christmas Carol, the action of which ends on Boxing Day: