sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 26, 2014

be here all the earlier the next morning
posted by soe 10:17 am

Happy Boxing Day! Did you have a relaxing day after Christmas/Friday? I did. I didn’t leave my parents’ house. I read two stories from one of the new books Rudi gave me for Christmas (My True Love Gave To Me (appropriate, right?!)), hung out with loved ones, did a crossword puzzle, made a batch of cookies, ate leftovers, and watched The Hundred-Foot Journey (which we all enjoyed and heartily recommend). I did not wrap a single present, drive long distances, get up early, or do any shopping. It was lovely.

(If you normally receive my Christmas mix or a Christmas card from me, but haven’t yet, I’m behind, but am working on it. I hope to get caught up this weekend.)

In the meantime, may I offer you some (90 minutes of) ear candy of another sort? Here is Neil Gaiman reading Charles Dickens’ personal script to the readings he did of A Christmas Carol, the action of which ends on Boxing Day:

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merry christmas, merry christmas, and merry christmas
posted by soe 1:42 am

Three beautiful things from the past week Christmas day:

1. We spent the day surrounded by family (in person and remotely).

2. We ate delicious food — turkey, stuffing, trifle, chocolate.

3. Everyone seemed to like the gifts we gave them — and we got awesome gifts ourselves.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your week (or holiday) this week?

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and merry Thursday to all the rest!

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.