posted by soe 3:49 am
Rudi is out of town visiting his mom, so the cats and I are holding down the fort. We celebrated this tonight with a trip to the grocery store (just me), napping on the sofa, watching two Christmas-themed episodes of Saved by the Bell, and following a dinner of leftovers with a sleeve of snowflake-shaped Ritz crackers dipped into the peanut butter bought earlier in the evening.
I do live an exciting life…
Other things I hope to accomplish this weekend:
- Attend some craft fairs.
- Make a list of what else I want to buy.
- Bake some cookies.
- Do laundry.
- Work on my Christmas mix.
- Start my Christmas cards.
- Put away the off-season clothes.
- Learn how to use the new composting system at the garden.
- Knit.
- Read.
- Paint my nails.
- Sleep.
How about you? What’s on your agenda this weekend?
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