sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 5, 2013

yarning along: early december
posted by soe 2:41 am

Rudi was away tonight and instead of being responsible and getting some of the cleaning done that absolutely needs to get done in the next few days, I opted to while away the hours on the couch with books and knitting. (I’m behind on both of those as well, and, honestly, if you’re going to pick things to get caught up on, those tasks seemed so much more appealing than recycling and cleaning the bathroom.)

I read two graphic novels and started the book you see below on the left:

Yarning Along: Early December

The knitting is the fingerless glove that I decided was too wide since last you saw it, causing me to rip it back and start over. I’m nearly done with the thumb gusset now, so there’s a possibility the pair could be done by this time next week. It’s mindless knitting for the most part, so fits well with holiday movie watching and party attending.

The books are Mary Oliver’s latest poetry collection, Dog Songs, which combines well with plain knitting, and The Universe versus Alex Woods, which I’ve seen on a number of best-of lists so far. Since I’m only in chapter two, I can’t speak yet to whether it will appear on mine.

(Yarning along with Ginny.)

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