sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 31, 2012

wayback wednesday: halloween edition
posted by soe 11:21 pm

Jack o'Lanterns

Today, was Halloween.

I might have dressed up:

A Riot of Color

I might have dyed my hair:

Halloween Hair

When people asked, I told them I was “a riot of color.”

I might have a lifelong fondness for Halloween and its trappings:

Nursery School Costumes

(I’m the clown.)

Clowning Around

This was nursery school, October 1978. I believe it’s my second Halloween costume ever. (Mum and Dad, feel free to correct me on that if I’m mistaken.) Mum made it, as she did all my costumes between this one and 4th grade (I think). Yes, I was really lucky.

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mystery bush
posted by soe 1:41 am

While we were in New Orleans last week, we saw many beautiful flowering plants (they still were experiencing what I’d call summer temperatures, but which I’m sure they wouldn’t). Many I could identify, but not this one.

Do any of you know? (Julie and Amanda, I’m looking your way in particular…)



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