sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 4, 2010

an early fall glance in the farmers’ market basket
posted by soe 2:39 am

Down here in the mid-Atlantic, we still have plenty of end-of-summer produce mixed in with the fall fruits and veggies.

At the farmers’ market this morning, I picked up:

  • The final nectarines of the season
  • A couple of bunches of basil
  • Fresh ginger
  • The very last broccoli that hadn’t already been snatched up (this is just coming into season again and, apparently, was the popular vegetable this morning)
  • A handful or two of baby Brussels sprouts for Rudi
  • Che berries (In my ongoing quest to try all the great, weird things that grow locally, I picked a pint of these up; if I’d known they’d taste like watermelon, I might have passed.)
  • A sweet potato
  • A quart of apple cider
  • Chestnuts
  • A trio of dahlias
  • Cheese and milk

Next week I need to remember to buy more butter, as I forgot I was out of commercial butter and had to resort to putting my good, expensive, farmers’ market butter in tonight’s apple brown betty. Granted, you could actually taste the buttery flavor in the topping in a way I doubt would have been achieved with a stick of normal butter, but, still, I think we’d better save that for a treat, rather than it becoming standard practice.

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