sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 21, 2010

beautification, cheery, and tree boxes
posted by soe 11:14 am

It always irks me a bit when I have things in mind for my TBT post and then I forget to use them. In this week’s instance, I’m totally blaming the sick — and taking a second shot with three beautiful flowery things from my week:

1. On an embankment along the highway leading to Crystal City grow a sea of brilliant red poppies and very green grass.

2. Purple irises and orange poppies atop the yarn cupboard in our living room remind me of a Dar Williams lyric (even if it’s not quite accurate).

3. Tree boxes all over downtown have been turning purple and magenta this week as city maintenance crews switch out the plants. Gone are the early spring plants, which were past their peak, and in are blooming petunias and pansies. It feels more summery already.

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