sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 10, 2008

chocolaty, smart, and springy
posted by soe 5:12 pm

I’m hanging in Connecticut with Gramma this weekend, and I’m not sure yet how that’s going to affect my posting. I am hoping that it will positively affect my sleep schedule and will help me get to bed in the early wee hours instead of the late ones. I’m also hoping to get some knitting and reading and crosswording in. I can’t see Gramma arguing with any of that.

But in the meantime, I’m posting three beautiful things from the past week:

1. I decide to bake for Sweetpea‘s birthday and Rudi chooses a new chocolaty recipe for me to try. The scent of cocoa winds itself around the apartment, curling into corners that made it smell delicious even into the next morning when we awake.

2. Our team places first in Pub Trivia, which is sort of like Trivial Pursuit but without the board.

3. Gramma and I take a ride on a lovely spring afternoon. Although I freak her out by taking us down a surprisingly long unimproved road (read dirt and/or gravel), we enjoy hearing the peepers every time we pass water.

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