sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 10, 2008

last night, last line, and at last
posted by soe 7:35 pm

Time is relative. This week, my first full week in the office in nearly a month, is moving at a molasses pace, yet here it is, already Thursday. How does that happen?

Regardless, I offer you several beautiful things from the last week:

1. Posey and I snuggle together on the couch, me under a wool blanket, her nestled in my lap on top of it. We sit in the darkened living room aglow for one last night with the lights of our Christmas tree. It has been a good season.

2. The last line of The Bucket List causes the theater to erupt in laughter and applause, leaving the audience feeling good about the movie.

3. I have started Twelfth Night and am quite enjoying it so far. I’ve meant to read/watch this Shakespeare comedy for several years running now and have finally dug it out thanks to a read-along on Ravelry. I’ve read most of Shakespeare’s tragedies, but am woefully behind on the comedies. It feels good to be working my way through the list.

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