sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 3, 2007

living it up in the garden
posted by soe 11:56 pm

Thursday afternoon I received an email from a stranger. He’d gotten my name off a waiting list I put myself on nearly four years ago. Would I be interested in a half-plot in the local community garden?

I didn’t have to think. Yes! I wrote back. Yes!

A half-plot of land all our own! A little 5′x10′ plot (we guessed) that, for all intensive purposes would belong to us…

I floated on air. Rudi and I talked tomatoes. I called Gramma and we debated short-term vs. long-term plants. We were so excited.

So Saturday morning I traipsed seven blocks to the garden and met Kevin, the garden coordinator. He pointed me to my plot.

Folks, it’s not 5′x10′. It’s 15′×15′! (He told me 10′x15′ but because it’s in the corner I actually think it’s larger than some of the others.) It’s bigger than my bedroom. It’s more than a quarter of the size of the whole Burrow.

The plot is in the southwest corner of the garden and will get full sun until early afternoon, at which point it will get some shade from an overhanging tree and the vines that grow on the fence.

There are still some living plants in the garden — lavender and mint, as well as a few that my friend Eri is going to ask her dad to identify. Otherwise, it looks like ‘most everything else has gone by the bye, including the milkweed.

But sufficed to say, we have a lot of land to play with. We can plant anything we want. Tomatoes and herbs and some squash and fall bulbs are definitely in the plans. Anyone have any suggestions of what you’d plant if someone suddenly offered you a lovely plot of land?

The foot (prime) marks show up with an extra space after them when viewed in Firefox. I can’t figure out why, but they look fine in Safari, so I’m assuming it’s a programmatic bug and not me.

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