sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 23, 2006

window dressing, priorities, and local acts
posted by soe 11:29 pm


Three beautiful things from the week before Thanksgiving:

1. A glass building has gone up near my office in recent months. Because the office does not yet have interior walls, sometimes you can see a little person working on one of the floors. One morning this week a window featured a bright yellow ladder and a brilliant blue tarp.

2. I am not going to reach 50k for NaNoWriMo and I’m okay with that. I’m currently hovering around the 33 page mark and I hope to hit 25k before next Friday. But I’m not going to sacrifice working on crosswords with Gramma or baking cookies with Mum or playing board games with Dad to finish; otherwise I might as well have stayed back in D.C. Karen and Grey Kitten continue to fight the good fight and they have my best wishes for their success. (And, no, I’m not abandoning the novel. I still think it has potential, and now I can focus on rounding out characters and building some more realistic plot devices — but in more manageable time increments for my schedule.)

3. While walking the Help the Homeless 5k last weekend, I was delighted to discover that the organizers had lined up local musical and performance acts to keep us motivated along the way. At first I thought it was just mitzvahs by a local junior high step dance troupe and by a barbershop quartet. But then I strolled past a bluegrass trio, an a cappella group, a folk duo, a gymnastics troupe, a pair of drummers, and a mariachi band. They really helped to provide a sense of fun and ambiance for something we all would have done anyway.

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