sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 23, 2006

home again
posted by soe 11:43 pm

The weekend was a lovely one. I got to spend a beautiful fall day with Karen on Saturday. We ate at Middletown restaurants. We walked in the woods. We talked. We drank hot apple cider.

Sunday we headed west for a college friend’s wedding. It was perfect — and deserving of a post all its own — and one when I’m a little more awake.

Today we got to breakfast with our friend BW and spend a little time with her before we parted ways. That’s good because we used to see her a lot more before Rudi and I up and moved away.

We moseyed home, stopping on a whim by a New York farm to buy pumpkins, cider doughnuts, and apples; browsed at a sports good store in New Jersey; and tried to visit the Grounds for Sculpture, which, it turns out, is closed on Mondays. Bummer. Guess we’ll have to try to catch it a different time.

But it was a great weekend overall. Friends, food, family, and festivities — who can ask for more? And how soon can we do it again?

Category: travel. There is/are 3 Comments.

October 20, 2006

shawl update
posted by soe 2:51 am

I know that it’s quarter of three in the morning, but I just had to share that I have finished the shawl. I haven’t unraveled the drop stitches that will form the fringe at the end, but it’s done otherwise.

It’s long. 500 yards is a lot of yarn. 1500 feet. 18000 inches.

And it’s fuzzy. My nightgown is coated in shedded mohair. You don’t think anyone at the wedding will mind if I’m furry and shed, do you?

The wedding isn’t even until Sunday! I’m pleased. And very tired. Which helps distract me from the Mets loss tonight. Somewhat.

Suzanne, if you’re reading this, I’m going to bring it in to work to show off tomorrow. Everyone else, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the weekend for the daylight photo shoot or the trip to Connecticut …

Disjointedly off for a shower and to join Rudi in slumber…

Category: knitting. There is/are 8 Comments.

October 19, 2006

aerosol, long lights, and suspense
posted by soe 1:27 pm

Three beautiful things from the last week:

1. Whipped cream in the office fridge for my cocoa on a cold, rainy morning

2. The way lights reflect on wet pavement. It seems like the colorful reflections of store signs, stop lights, and car brake lights stretch out forever in a carnival-like atmosphere.

3. You can’t say the Cardinals and the Mets haven’t made it an interesting playoff series. Tonight’s game will decide it all — and you know which way I’m hoping it will go….

Category: sports,three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on aerosol, long lights, and suspense.

October 17, 2006

think we’ve known each other too long?
posted by soe 11:52 am

I am not really awake when Rudi leaves in the morning, so if you asked me what he wears to work, I would tell you bike shoes, a bike helmet, and a reflective vest. So I can honestly say that I really did not have that in mind when I picked out my wardrobe yesterday.

When he came home last night, he noticed we were both wearing khakis, but pointed out that he was wearing a periwinkle-colored shirt, while I had on green. But I’d already taken off my lilac sweater because it was too warm. And we were both wearing handknit socks!

socks, pants, top match

Do you think this is a sign we spend too much time together?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 3 Comments.

October 16, 2006

look what arrived from across town!
posted by soe 11:49 pm

I arrived home just before 8 tonight to find a lovely surprise — my Hot Socks box from Evelyn!

Evelyn happens to live across town from me and runs the blog devoted to all things knitting in the D.C. area — D.C. Knitting in the City.

Look what she sent me:

Hot Socks swag

Rainbow-hued Regia Stretch Color, tiny KnitPicks in US0, and Zhena’s Gypsy Tea! The tea is organic, fair-trade raspberry Earl Grey and delicious.

knitting, mug, and sock

I know it’s delicious because I made myself some to drink out of the delightful fall-themed mug Evelyn included in my package. Also in the picture you will see my current knitting (the shawl) and the first pair of socks I ever knit (also made from Regia yarn).

Posey in a box

And a considerate pal never forgets the felines. Look — she sent them a box! Posey is modeling how it’s a perfect fit. Jeremiah has taste-tested it and agrees it’s a fine vintage. And Della kneaded the tissue paper to make sure it was nice and fluffy. We have three very content cats tonight!

Thanks, Evelyn, for being a terrific pal. And, thanks, Laura, for being a good host. And, Chrissie, your box will be in the mail this week!

Category: cats,knitting. There is/are 3 Comments.

October 14, 2006

what’s to do but post a meme?
posted by soe 12:11 pm

I like to read knitting blogs. (Rudi is gasping with shock here…)

Today, I was reading Amanda‘s weekly Yarn Aboard 2 update which led me to Redhead Ramblings, who linked to a contest sponsored by Heatherly at YarnYenta using a meme devised by Jody at JavaJem.

I like a contest as much as the next person but usually I only discover them after they’re over and someone is proudly displaying their prize. So this time, while there’s still time, I’m quickly hopping on the bandwagon….

1. Where is your favorite knitting spot?

Lying on the couch.

2. If you suddenly could never knit again (shudder), what would you do instead?

Go back to reading. My reading has definitely suffered since I took up knitting. Conceivably I would also have to devote more time to contemplating blog entries since I couldn’t fall back on knitting content and memes when I’m feeling lazy on a Saturday morning…

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Oooh, this is so hard. I’d love to go so many places. But I think I’d really like to go to the south of France, to Provence, because I’ve enjoyed Peter Mayle’s books so much. Other places that I’d like to go — home to New England, anywhere I have friends, over to visit the extended family in the British Isles, and other places I’ve never been, like Australia, Denmark, western Canada, Hawaii, Paris, India, someplace they have penguins…

4. When you were little, what did you want to do “when you grew up?” Are you doing it?

My childhood diary is buried in some box in my folks’ basement, but I know that in third grade I came up with a whole list of things I intended to be. I don’t remember them all, but the list did include writer, farmer, and vet. I am none of those things, but I do write some (although not about what I’d like) to earn a living. I believe I also told Mum at one point that I’d like to buy a big old farm house and invite orphans, homeless people, and stray animals to live there with me. Pretty much I’ve only followed through on the stray cat portion of that, which is good because those orphans would have to sleep in the bathtub here in the Burrow.

5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Cookie dough. Cookies and cream. Raspberry with chocolate swirl. Cool Britannia. Chocolate chip. Mmmmmmmmmmmm…. Excuse me while I go look for the ice cream scoop….

Category: knitting. There is/are 1 Comment.