sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 20, 2006

fun web toy
posted by soe 4:56 pm

Visit this site and start dragging and clicking away at will with your mouse. I guarantee you’ll be surprised by how long you can entertain yourself.

(Via Kat and Cate.)

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please stand by
posted by soe 11:10 am

The Burrow experienced technical difficulties last night as Verizon did not see fit to deign to grant us internet access all last night. Therefore, instead of posting photos of pretty yarn and recent knitted objects or sending my friend Brian birthday greetings, I spent the evening doing off-line activities.

I celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day by cracking open Gideon DeFoe’s The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists. It’s short and it’s saucy, so if you check back next week I should have a review in the monthly roundup.

I also tried to celebrate a beautifully sunny late summer evening by sitting outside Teaism with a salty oat cookie and a mango lassi. Unfortunately, all those mosquitos who thought this summer was too hot to be outside also wanted to hang out at Teaism, but instead of feasting on tasty baked goods and refreshing yogurt drinks, they thought *I* looked particularly appetizing. I switched seats. I swatted and shooed. Eventually I walked home. They followed me. It was like a Looney Tunes cartoon. It wouldn’t have surprised me if they’d knocked on the door and tried to sneak in when I answered it. Hmmm… Maybe that’s what the large cockroach Rudi killed outside the Burrow was working on this morning…

Anyway, look for photos of pretty things tonight…

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