sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 29, 2005

why hast thou foresaken me, good writing fairy?
posted by soe 4:07 pm

I am supposed to be finishing the first draft of a book on skin health today. (No, I did not pick the topic…) Generally, I’ve found it easy enough to write and interesting to research. I know tons more than I did when I started. Of course, it’s mostly gross stuff that can go wrong with your skin, but still…

The first draft is due Monday. I have another 10 pages or so I need to write before I’m going to be happy with the way it’s put together. But today has been so remarkably unproductive. I’ve written sentences. I’ve deleted the same sentences. Written more. Hit the delete key. So on and so forth. ::sigh::

The book was flowing so well before I went on vacation. What happened to my good writing fairy? Why did she foresake me? And, more importantly, how do I entice her back?

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good luck, di!
posted by soe 8:34 am

My friend and former officemate, Dianna, is taking part in her first triathlon Sunday. She is crazy, but also very inspiring. Not so much in the now-I-want-to-do-a-triathlon kind of way, but more in the wow-I-wish-I-had-her-drive-and-determination-and-follow-through kind of way.

Di ran a marathon last year and will run another one this fall. She is a running diva.

Please stop by her blog and wish her luck. I know she’d appreciate the well-wishes.

Good luck, Di! I know you’ll do great!

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