sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 9, 2005

wildlife, community, and jobs
posted by soe 12:18 pm

Three beautiful things from the week:

1. We went for a ride on the C&O Canal Sunday evening. Along the way we saw small bass, huge carp, lots of turtles both sunning and swimming, ducks and ducklings, and geese and goslings (including one daycare group that had 26 little ones with four adults — the littlest goslings were so funny when they tried to get out of the water — one managed to climb out about a foot before tumbling back into the water!)

2. On Sunday we also went to the Mt. Pleasant Fest. For those outside of the Beltway, Mt. Pleasant is one of the most ethnically diverse, communal neighborhoods in D.C. It has remained under the radar by virtue of being inconveniently placed in terms of Metrorail service. But they seem to have a very community-oriented vibe that we really like every time we visit.

3. My former intern Jason called this week to say that the government had approved his work visa and that he’d started his new job at a St. Louis hospital. He also raved about his new apartment, which sounds like it is located near where he works and in a vibrant neighborhood. Jason is the student I worried most about finding his niche when he graduated from Wesleyan, so I am relieved and grateful to hear him sound so happy.

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literary manhattan
posted by soe 11:12 am

This is when you understand why computer codes were invented — just to give you a really cool, computer-friendly map of the Manhattan of literature. Covers everything from Fitzhugh, Salinger, and Blume to Wolfe, Kerouac, and Fitzgerald. Use the outline map at the right to negotiate your way through the city.

(Via bookslut.)

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